
3 “Get Acquainted” Meetings

The two hosts set up three “get acquainted” meetings for the prospect, inviting at least one other brother to join them for each meeting to help broaden the circle of members the prospect knows. Everyone has a favorite restaurant, coffee shop or park in your town – take your prospect there, and let him get to know you as a person and not just as a member of your lodge. These meetings are opportunities to learn about the prospect through natural conversation. Here you can observe his character and how he interacts with others, get a feel for what he might bring to your lodge and Masonry and understand his reasons for approaching Masonry.

You can also share key information about Masonry, the lodge, and yourself, including:

• What Masonry is and isn’t • Who you are and why you became a Mason • Why you remain active in Masonry, and what you value about the fraternity


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