LMCP_Lodge Finance

Life Membership Income

A lodge can choose to have life membership program or not. A member cannot buy a life membership if his lodge(s) does not have the program. Purchasing a life membership enables a member to provide a legacy to his lodge in perpetuity – and it also relieves him of the need to pay annual dues, helping to ensure he maintains his good standing and eligibility for fraternal support and benefits. A lodge can choose from two different structures to determine the fee for a life membership. The first option is a fixed fee of at least 22 times the dues. The second structure is a sliding schedule based on age. Refer to the CMC for the schedule. A lodge may make withdrawals from the Life Membership Fund. In order to preserve the fund for future years, the maximum annual withdrawal is limited to 4.0% of the average fund balance during the most recent three fiscal years.


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