CLC - Master Mason - 05.30.17

T HE L ION T RIBE OF J UDAH The lion is an ancient symbol of royalty, power, strength and courage. Because of its great flowing mane, the male lion was also associated with the sun, an ancient symbol for the Divine. The lion was also the sign, or symbol, on the banner of the Tribe of Judah, because this was the royal tribe of the Hebrew nation from which its kings and princes were chosen. All the kings of Judah were called the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah,” and this appellation was, therefore, one of the more important titles of Solomon as king of Israel. Jesus has also been called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah which adds the connotation of immortality and afterlife to this symbol. For Speculative Masons, the strength and courage of the lion should fortify us in facing difficult decisions and in protecting the secrets of our craft from improper disclosure. We venerate the lion symbolically when formally greeting another Master Mason.


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